016 High-School2
2020 VOM police
village-williams143 2
046 The-Old-Mill
053 View-of-Union-Street
054 Wallkill-Ave---church
026 Montgomery-High-School
029 Municipal-Building-firemen-museum
028 Municipal-and-Fire-Department-Building
village museum001b
007 Clinton-Street3
village museum009
011 Community-House-showing-school-in-distance
014 Fire-Headquarters
030 Old-Firemens-Hall
019 Methodist-Church-2
015 High-School
village museum026
033 Presbyterian-Church---Montgomery-Acedemy-3
village museum027
035 Presbyterian-Church-Park-and-Band-Stand
village museum028
037 RC-Church-2
002 Business-Section
003 Clinton-and-Union
004 Clinton-Street-Looking-West
005 Clinton-Street
024 Montgomery-Bridge-across-the-Wallkill-River
20 Fire-at-Montgomery-Academy
006 Clinton-Street2
99 Wallkill-River-Dam-at-Montgomery,-NY
Located in the beautiful Hudson Valley, the Village of Montgomery is a great place to live, raise a family, shop, and do business.

Moratorium on Water Service Termination, Moratorium on Water Re-levy, and Opportunity for Deferred Payment Agreements

On May 11, 2021 Governor Cuomo signed into law amendments to the Public Service Law that prevent municipalities and public utilities from terminating water service provided to residents and small businesses for non-payment during the COVID-19 state of emergency.  Additionally, the amendments prevent municipalities from re-levying previously accrued water charges on or after May 11, 2021 until either the end of the COVID-19 state of emergency or December 31, 2021, whichever is earlier. 

All water suppliers must notify residential and small business customers of the protections afforded under the law.

Please be advised that service termination and re-levying past due water charges is prohibited for an additional 180 days after either the COVID-19 state of emergency expires or December 31, 2021, whichever is earlier, for those residential and small business customers who have experienced a change in financial circumstances due to the COVID-19 state of emergency. 

If you are a resident or small business that has experienced a change in financial circumstances due to the COVID-19 state of emergency and would like to request relief from service termination and re-levying during the 180 days after the COVID-19 state of emergency expires, you must contact David Griffith at 845-457-9661 x205 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than 7/5/2021.

Please be further advised that the law does not eliminate a customer’s obligation to pay accrued charges.  However, customers who have experienced a change in financial circumstances due to the COVID-19 state of emergency must be provided with the opportunity to enter into a deferred payment agreement without the imposition of deposits, late fees, or penalties.  

If you are a residential or small business customer who has experienced such a change in financial circumstances and wish to enter into a deferred payment agreement to address any outstanding or accrued payments, you must contact David Griffith at 845-457-9661 x205 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than 7/5/2021.  Additional information and supporting documentation from customers seeking to enter into a deferred payment agreement may be required.

Customers that do not request protection from service termination, or re-levying, or do not enter into a deferred payment agreement, will be subject to the enforcement and lien provisions authorized by State and local law upon the expiration of the Public Service Law’s protections.

Please direct all other questions and concerns to David Griffith at 845-457-9661x205 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than 7/5/2021.

Great Race visits Village of Montgomery